Passive reward transition FAQ

Where should I stake my MUST to get the passive rewards?

In the main tube on

Where should I stake my Spaceships to get the passive rewards?

Your spaceships need to be in-game, regardless of the solar system

What are the rewards?

Rewards will be MUST-MATIC LP Tokens from ComethSwap, to get extra yield, stake your LP Tokens in the farming tab

How do I get the rewards?

Rewards will be claimable every week (on Friday)

How long will the passive transition last?

Until the launch of Cometh Beyond, check the countdown on Cometh Beyond

What happens if I don't have the necessary amount of MUST staked for all my staked Spaceships?

You’ll get a pro rata of the rewards, the algorithm will calculate the rewards on the highest ship.

I’ve got a rental in progress, how does it work?

All current rentals will be refund depending on the rental creation date (snapshot the 4th of October)

Will the cooling booster be useful in Cometh Beyond?


Will there be any way to spend my DUST from the main tube in the future?

Yes, the gameplay and fee system of Cometh Beyond will rely heavily on DUST generated from MUST at stake in the TUBE

Last updated