What is DUST

What is the DUST?

MUST stored in the TUBE 🧪 generate DUST. You cannot sell, buy or transfer DUST. DUST let the players unlock perks, upgrades and mint spaceships that players can freely use or transfer.

The cometh tube V2 is live on Polygon!

➡️ https://game.cometh.io/tube

Let’s start with some incredible milestones we’ve hit over the past 5 months:

  • 4,311 spaceships minted

  • 4,000 unique players (+100% in 4 weeks)

  • $200K earned by the top 10 players

  • ~450 stakers, $1.6M of TVL

New tube, New features

Re-built on Polygon to be more accessible

From day 1, we wanted to create an accessible game bringing everyone to decentralized finance. Unlocking NFTs through MUST staking and increasing your in-game mining capacity could no longer be on Ethereum due to the transaction fees. With this new version on Polygon, the tube is now accessible to all and an almost free cost of use.

Truly Gamified DeFi

Gamifying DeFi is an exciting challenge. Join an old mad scientist and experiment with formulas based on MUST. Avoid the wrong dosage of your MUST, be precise in your harvest timing, find the right formulas and you will have access to exclusive NFTs and items.

A fairer, better balanced and more fun TUBE

The right balance between improving the new version without harming the positions of our early players was an important challenge for us. A main TUBE allows to stake a lot of Must (used for Ethereum migration) and others “capped” TUBE allows new players and modest MUST holders to regularly collect ships and items.

You can now use items in-game. This advantage is for one-time use. We have a long list of ideas and the community will be involved to help us decide in which order to add them to the game. Is your spaceship cool down too slow? Use this amazing Mining Cooler to be ready to mine again in the blink of an eye. (-120sec. on cooldown)

Each partnership will now have its dedicated tube. This allows players to implement finer strategies in the distribution of their MUST and thus optimize their fleet in the game.

Migration from L1

To transfer your DUST in the TUBE on Polygon, you will need to unstake them from TUBE from the TUBE on Ethereum and bridge them through to Polygon. Here you can find some useful links : How to bridge founds : https://docs.cometh.io/comethswap-1/comethswap/matic-bridge Matic Bridge : https://wallet.matic.network/bridge/ Cometh bridge : https://bridge.cometh.io/

Once your MUST has arrived on Layer2, you will need to stack the same amount as on Ethereum to claim the DUST you previously farmed

You can click on Migrate L1 DUST to see your previously stacked MUST/DUST and get your DUSTv2

To stack your MUST on the TUBE v2, start by approving MUST, then select the TUBE you want to stake must in, select the amount of MUST and click on stake. Some TUBEs have a limited Stackable amount of MUST to favor small holders.

The foundations of a future full of innovations

With this setting stone, new releases of spaceships and items will happen at a much faster pace. The next big thing will be the beginning of tournaments and Player vs Player arenas which are set to open in the 2nd half of June. Get ready for 4 weeks of tournaments loaded with prizes valued at USD250,000. To enter the tournament, we will leverage our Kiosk and distribute entry tickets in the TUBE🧪 as well. We are finalizing the entry tickets you will be able to redeem in the main TUBE, don’t waste any time to stake your MUST ⚗ !

Last updated